Premiere Pro 2020: Projects - How To Share and Archive EASY

As of October 2020 this is the easiest way that I’ve found to be able to archive/back up, share, or organize your Adobe Premiere Pro projects.

I made a video on the subject which I’ll link below, but I’ll also share in this article.

Once I’m done with a project, I want to get it put on my archive storage drive in case I ever need to access it again. If I want to recall a clip from a specific project, or even reference it. I want to have it saved.

Also, if I’m collaborating with someone that is using a different work station, I want to be confident that when they open the project file I give them there won’t be any missing assets. If you feel a similar way, then this method is for you. From here on out I will just be referring to this process as “archive” but it can be used to give someone else your file as well.

First, in the project you would like to archive make sure you save your work.

Go to File > Project Manager. Once you click Project Manager, this screen should pop up:

First I would like to mention an easily avoidable error. Sometimes clicking the “calculate” button will lead to Premiere Pro being buggy. If you REALLY need to know the projected size of the new file, then calculate it. If you don’t need to know, don’t bother risking the bug. I mentioned the bug in the video and I also posted about it on social media. Here is a screen shot from my Instagram

Now, on to the instructional.

Under “Sequence” you should see any sequences that are in your current project. Make sure that any and all sequences you want to keep are checked.

In the “Resulting Project” section, I always select “Collect Files and Copy to New Location”. This will collect anything that was used in the project, even if you accidentally didn’t import it in. It will just copy it if it’s accessible.

To the right is “Options”. The first box, “Exclude Unused Clips” I always leave unchecked. I would like all of the files that I’ve imported to be part of the project. Even if I didn’t use it in the timeline. The others I keep checked as you can see in the screen shot.

The next step is to select your destination. Once you’ve chosen where you want the project to save, click “okay” and you’re good to do.

One thing to mention— When the project is saved to its new destination, the created folder name with be “Copied_Whatever your project is called

The time it will take to consolidate and relocate your files is all dependent on your project size and computer. Once it’s saved you can compress it to a ZIP file and send it to your mate to collab on or don’t waste time zipping it and just keep it stored as is on a dedicated archive drive.

tl;dr — Watch the video instead.


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